About Us
Legacy Magnet Academy is Tustin Unified School District’s newest magnet school and only 6th-12th grade campus. At LMA, students receive all core content taught through the lens of TIDE: Technology, Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship.
Our Vision:
The vision of Legacy Magnet Academy is to support a socially responsible community equipped with the entrepreneurial mindsets to impact our world.
Our Legacy TIDE will RISE at school, in the community, and at home. Our staff is committed to providing the environment, opportunity, instruction, and encouragement for students to:
on their learning through giving and receiving peer and teacher feedback
by goal setting with ongoing revision and refinement
through the use of project based learning and the design process.
by engaging in developing solutions to the problems they see in the world around them
by actively creating a community of inclusivity
by showing empathy and compassion through their actions and words
by accessing mentorship opportunities and interacting with local business partners
by participating in dual enrollment courses and establishing a collegiate mindset