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The Parent Teacher Organization will afford parents an opportunity to participate in the organization that supports the school and the children’s activities. A successful school relies on involved parents to help the school administration and the faculty to achieve the optimum educational experience. Through the functional responsibilities of several committees, the Legacy Magnet Academy PTO will support fundraisers, guest speakers, help for classroom teachers, and the ongoing need to work in the school where extra help is needed. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in making their children’s educational experience a great one. Children like to know that their parents care; it provides more incentive to learn and to participate in class.

By working with the school administration and the teachers, the PTO members will be part of an unusual and highly beneficial learning process. Schools in the Tustin Unified School District have active PTOs, and each works in virtually the same manner to support its school in ways that couldn’t be done otherwise.

For more information about Legacy's PTO including the Webstore, please see: